Severe Weather Alert
As winter weather is again approaching with sub-freezing temperatures predicted for the next several days, we wanted to advise you of some precautions to take to prevent pipes from bursting and other potential hazards.
Ghertner & Company’s Homeowner Service Center is available to help you should you need assistance during office hours of Monday-Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm, and can be reached at 615-277-0358. Our 24 hour emergency number is 615-255-4736.
If you live in a condominium or townhome community, know who your neighbors are that live next door, and above or below you. Share your contact information with them and ask for their contact information in case of an emergency due to a busted water line, etc. Also, check your unit’s insurance policy, so you know what is covered, and the amount of any deductibles. Your association’s policy also has a deductible, and you may be responsible for anything below that amount.
If your Association has parking areas, roads, or common walking areas salted, be aware that when the temperature reaches a certain point salting does not work. Please take precautions if you are walking around the community.
Below are several helpful suggestions to help you prepare for dangerously cold weather:
Keep your pipes from freezing
Take precautions now to ensure your home is ready for the extreme cold temperatures. When the mercury dips well below freezing, pipes can freeze under your home.
Make sure all your foundation vents are closed, so cold air is not getting in.
Make sure your crawl space door is closed and sealed properly. The main thing is keeping the wind out from under your house.
In order to keep your water pipes from freezing, allow a steady drip of water from an interior sink to drip while the outside temperature is sub-freezing approaching zero degrees.
Unhook garden hoses from spigots and cover exterior faucets with insulating material to prevent freezing
Know where the main water shut-off is located in your home in the event of a broken pipe so the water can be shut off to minimize damage.
If your outside lawn & landscape irrigation system has not been winterized, know where the shut off valve is for that system in case a broken irrigation pipe occurs.
Other precautions and considerations
Avoid body exposure to prevent frostbite and hypothermia
Use electric heaters carefully so as to avoid any combustible materials within 3-4 foot radius; use only electric heaters with an automatic shut-off
Indoor gas, propane, kerosene space heaters can be deadly if not completed vented and monitored continuously; heaters not used and tested for some time should not be used until safety is confirmed; Carbon monoxide poisoning from improperly or unvented space heaters is extremely dangerous. If any feeling of confusion, dizziness, or nausea occurs while using a vented heater, shut it off and seek immediate fresh air.
Protect animals from life-threatening cold
Keep pets inside. If animals can't be inside, provide a warm, comfortable place. Face shelter away from wind and provide a flap or door to help keep the animal's body heat inside.