It takes a special person to volunteer for a leadership role in their homeowners’ association. It takes an especially brave one to lead a community in raising association dues, negotiating eminent domain seizure of the property entrance and installing a well to save water.

Dave Fouss was elected to the Board of Directors of Villas of Indian Creek in September 2007 when the community was turned over from developer control at the annual meeting. He led the Board in commissioning a reserve study to ensure that there would be sufficient replacement reserves. In order to make adequate contributions as proposed by the study, Dave had the courage to recommend that the members increase their dues by $30 per month to be phased in over a two year period. Because of his hard work and leadership, future Boards will be able to fund repairs for replacement from a reserve account and will be less likely to have to rely on a special assessment. There have been no increases in association dues since that time. The property has been maintained as a Class A community continuously. Furthermore, the association's substantial reserve accounts will support a strong preventative maintenance program which benefits all homeowners.

In 2009, Dave decided to step down as President but remained a very active member of the Board. In 2010, the City of Murfreesboro announced that it would widen Fortress Boulevard to five lanes and take most of the land in front of the community by eminent domain, thus destroying the beautiful frontage the community enjoyed along Fortress Boulevard. Dave was elected President again and led the community through this difficult time. He negotiated with the City of Murfreesboro engineers to provide the best looking community frontage possible while the city still accomplished its goals. Villas of Indian Creek ended up with new signage, street trees, irrigation and the area was all completed in grass sod. All upgrades were paid for by the City of Murfreesboro.

In 2012, realizing the significant annual cost of water used for irrigation purposes, Dave and Jim Stepp, the President of neighboring community, Preserve of Indian Creek, worked to have a well installed to eliminate the annual irrigation costs. This was completed successfully and will save the association $15,000 per year!

In May 2013, Dave decided to go back into retirement and resigned his place on the Board of Directors. A heartfelt thanks from all at Villas of Indian Creek and Ghertner & Company goes to Dave for his tremendous leadership, time, and courage as President of his association.