Clear and Clean
Healthy water quality in community pools requires careful vigilance.
Even if the community you manage has one swimming pool or several,
indoors or out, salt water or fresh, Olympic size or a wading pool-even hot tubs-it's important
that the water in which residents swim and relax won't make them sick. And community managers and pool maintenance staff, as well as municipal and local governments, can do a lot to minimize
outbreaks of infections.
Pool Rules are Essential
Whether a community's pools are maintained and staffed by the association or a contractor, managers
should work closely with pool personnel
to make sure every one who uses the pool observes
certain procedures.
It's essential
that dressing rooms, bathrooms, showers and pool decks are cleaned and disinfected regularly. Pool users should
be educated about why hygiene is a critical
element in maintaining healthy pool water and why diapered children should be changed
well away from the pool and the surrounding decks. All swimmers should
be encouraged to take frequent bathroom
breaks and reminded not to swallow pool water. And urge swimmers to shower with soap each time they enter or leave the
pool. Anyone – residents, guests, children, adults and employees – who has an
infection or illness should be refused entry to the swimming or wading pool
area. Also develop a disinfecting policy for responding to contamination.
Monitor Chemicals Closely
It's important to check water pH and chlorine levels regularly, particularly during the weekend or other busy times. Also, managers
and pool staff should be aware that while chlorine is an effective
disinfectant, it doesn't
kill germs immediately, and some viral and bacterial
strains resist chlorine
altogether. For instance, E. coli bacteria can be
eliminated in less than a minute by normal disinfectants, but Giardia, which is a parasite, requires nearly an hour. The virus that causes Hepatitis A survives in chlorine for only about 15 minutes,
but the parasite Cryptosporidium can live in chlorinated water for more than
a week before it's destroyed. Any of these organisms
can cause mild to severe fatigue, stomach
cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Strep and other bacteria that cause colds and car infections also can spread freely in swimming pools.
The chemicals
used to sanitize pool water are themselves
toxic if used, stored or applied
improperly, so make sure they are always handled by properly trained
personnel. The association also should keep records of pool maintenance, disinfectant use and pH measurements.
Get More Information
The CDC released
the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) in September 2014 as guidance for local governments, pool programs and others who have vested interest in "improving the health and safety at public aquatic facilities." This code is available on the CDC's website at
A complete
checklist of critical
steps to take to ensure
pool water safety is available at
Swimming pools are a great source of recreation, exercise
relaxation-and managers should do everything possible to ensure they won't make swimmers sick.