Don’t Over-Spend when Over-Seeding

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We all desire a great looking lawn! But after a summer like this one, even the best of lawns tend to struggle from hot & dry conditions. Due to the many variables that affect turf quality, there is no single remedy to get your grass back in the shape you expect, but rather a series of steps and treatments that can help revive your lawn. One option to consider is Aeration & Over-Seeding (A&O). Here are a few tips regarding the A&O process:

The early Fall season (Sept/Oct) is the optimal time to perform this task, as cooler temperatures promote germination and growth of fescue seed. As a result, the new grass is well established prior to the harsh summer months, which gives it a better chance for long term success. The Spring season is NOT the recommended time to perform A&O because any tender newly germinated grass will not have time to develop a mature root system to sustain itself thru our hot and dry summers. 

We recommend only performing the A&O process 1 time per year during the Fall, allowing you to focus on weed control and fertilization of your lawn throughout the balance of the growing season. Those who perform A&O in the Spring, will limit their ability to successfully control weeds while the new seedlings are germinating.

Applying too much grass seed can cause more harm than good, due to added competition for light and nutrients within the established lawn. Lawns that are over-crowded may result in fungal issues due to restricted air circulation and moisture retention. When conducting A&O, the recommended fescue seed application rate is 4-6 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. If your lawn is already full and lush, you may not want to A&O each year to minimize competition within your lawn, which saves you money!

If your lawn is predominately bermuda turf, the A&O process may be a waste of funds. Bermuda will typically out-compete fescue in full sun exposures. In addition, bermuda is a spreading type turf which fills gaps and bare areas naturally. I recommend that you consult a qualified service provider to help identify your turf type(s) (fescue vs bermuda) and determine the percentage of each, prior to engaging in the A&O process.

Most Middle TN lawns include a healthy mix of fescue and bermuda grass. When budget is a concern, we would recommend only ‘spot’ seeding in areas in need such as bare or thin areas, instead of blanket seeding the whole site. To save money, consider only seeding high traffic areas, thin partially shaded patches, or select focal areas. Being strategic regarding where to perform A&O on your property will help you realize real value while not overspending. A qualified professional service provider can help guide you through the process of spending your money wisely while protecting your image and investment.

Partner Post Written by: 

Scott Oldham - Business Development Manager with LSI.
