Virtual Workshop Emphasizes that Communication is Key Within Your HOA

The need to communicate effectively with the leadership and members of an HOA has never been greater than in these challenging times of less face-to-face interaction.  The October 12 Board Leadership workshop focused on the benefits and challenges of getting the message conveyed using today’s wide variety of communication tools.  Meaningful and relevant communication should be appropriate in its message and methods to be successful.  Kathleen Sutherland, Director of Development and Training, reminded virtual attendees of the value and purpose of sharing HOA information in a way that best fits the personality of the board and homeowners. 

 This session was recorded and a link to the video, along with handouts, can be requested through your Ghertner & Company Community Association Manager.

 Another October Zoom seminar dealing with ‘Reserve Studies’ for HOAs is planned for October 26th.  Board members will receive more information by email about this training.