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Planning Services
Perform an initial inspection at community.
Develop an annual management plan to include preventive and seasonal maintenance and financial planning.
Annual Meeting
Prepare and mail notices, proxies, ballots and agendas in accordance with the requirements of the Governing Documents
Attend one Annual Meeting per year and take minutes, if requested.
Board Meetings
Arrange for and schedule location, date, and time for meetings as called by the Board.
Prepare an agenda (if not prepared by Board President) of all items scheduled to be brought before the Board and email to the Board one week prior to the meeting.
Provide necessary reference material at Board meetings, in electronic format where appropriate. These may include the Association minutes, rules and regulations, past agendas, past financial statements, etc.
Provide the following reports in electronic format for each Board Member in advance of the meeting when available:
Financial statement showing previous month and year-to-date expenditures, and variances from budget plan.
Accounts in arrears with notes regarding action being taken for recovery.
Disbursement report for previous month.
Copies of proposed contracts needing Board approval.
Attend up to four Board meetings each year. If requested, prepare minutes in electronic format for Board review and approval.
Oversee the performance of common area maintenance work.
Obtain bids when repairs are above an agreed limit set by the Board, or as appropriate and practical.
In case of emergency, proceed with repairs immediately.
Monitor common area repairs for compliance with instructions/contract. Some contracted work may require inspection by specialist.
Maintain a current inventory of Association property.
Perform regular site visits at the Association to determine potential problems and recommend necessary corrective action.
Obtain contracts for necessary services, for Board approval.
Develop and implement preventive, corrective, and seasonal maintenance.
Prepare annual budget proposal for Board review.
General Office Services
Prepare and mail all Association correspondence, electronically where possible.
Maintain the following files, electronically where possible:
Copies of correspondence to and from homeowners, contractors, etc.
Meeting minutes
Rules and Regulations
Contracts executed by the Association
All financial records of the Association
Other files as necessary.
Research and maintain all data related to transfers of ownership and voting rights.
Expenses associated with duplication and paper mailing will be paid by the Association.
Financial Services
Establish and maintain books of accounts electronically.
Establish bank accounts at financial institutions in a manner to indicate the custodial nature thereof.
Make timely deposits of Association funds and pay all authorized expenditures.
Establish individual accounts receivable for the posting of maintenance fees received from owners, within our computer system.
Assist Accountants appointed by Board in performance of Financial Reviews.
Prepare and file all local, state, and federal tax returns in coordination with the Association's accountant.
Pursue the collection of delinquent fees according to the policies and procedures established by the Board of Directors.
Prepare monthly computerized financial reports for the Board of Directors.
Legal Services
Maintain liaison with law firm(s), in order to insure prompt filing of liens and suits. The Association will be billed by the attorney for such services.
Advise the Board when legal advice is indicated; recommend competent counsel; assist in pursuit of all required legal actions.
Insurance Services
Prepare insurance bid specifications; solicit bids; submit to Board of Directors for their review and decision.
Review, screen, and process Association insurance claims. Administration of individual claims may be subject to additional charge, depending upon complexity and scale of claim.